Just another cat obsessed knitter

Archive for December, 2015

Birdie Baubles

I’ve enjoyed having these little chaps out to decorate the Christmas Tree, they’ve appeared in many of my photos over the festive period!  All the birdies are knit from my Seasonal Birdie Baubles pattern, which can be found in my online shops.

Enjoy the photos








Blue Bird





I’ve recently been playing around with taking some new promotional photos of my softies, mainly for Instagram and Etsy updates.  I had fun with some old favourites and hope you like the photos, all knitting patterns can be found in my Etsy shop and on Ravelry 

Lucy Lamb

Seasonal Birdie Baubles


Robin Birdie Bauble (from Seasonal Birdie Baubles pattern)


Owl Baubles (from Seasonal Birdie Baubles pattern)


Peppy Penguin ( from Perceval and Peppy Penguin pattern)